Ezra Pound



Brief an Harriet Monroe



Literatur: Pound
Literatur: Pound-Rezeption
Literatur: Brief

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Coleman's Hatch, January 1915


Objectivity and again objectivity, and expression; no hindside-beforeness, no straddled adjectives (as 'addled mosses dank'), no Tennysonianness of speech; nothing – nothing that you couldn't, in some circumstance, in the stress of some emotion, actually say. Every literaryism, every book word, fritters away a scrap of the reader's patience, a scrap of his sense of your sincerity. When one really feels and thinks, one stammers with simple speech, it is only in the flurry, the shallow frothy excitement of writing, or the inebriety of a metre, that one falls into the easy – oh, how easy! – speech of books and poems that one has read. 1


[Fußnote, S. 91]

1 1937. It should be realized that Ford Madox Ford had been hammering this point of view into me from the time I first met him (1908 or 1909) and that I owe him anything that I don't owe myself for having saved me from the academic influences than raging in London. – E.P. January 1937. Footnote from Harriet Monroe's A Poet's Life.   zurück






The Letters of Ezra Pound 1907 – 1941.
Edited by D. D. Paige.
London: Faber and Faber 1951, S. 91-92

Unser Auszug: S. 91.






Gallup, Donald: Ezra Pound.
A Bibliography.
Charlottesville, VA: University Press of Virginia 1983.

Pound, Ezra: The Spirit of Romance.
An Attempt to Define Somewhat the Charm of the Pre-Renaissance Literature of Latin Europe.
London: J. M. Dent & Sons o.J. [1910].
URL: https://archive.org/details/spiritofromancea00pounrich
URL: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/001057821

Pound, Ezra: Prolegomena.
In: The Poetry Review.
1912, Februar, S. 72-76.
URL: http://www.modernistmagazines.com/catalogues_viewer.php#myAnchor
URL: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/000494721

Pound, Ezra: I Gather the Limbs of Osiris. XI.
In: The New Age. A Weekly Review of Politics, Literature, and Art.
Bd. 10, 1912, Nr. 16, 15. Februar, S. 369-370.
URL: https://modjourn.org/journal/new-age/
URL: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/000547317

Pound, Ezra: The Wisdom of Poetry.
In: The Forum.
Bd. 47, 1912, Nr. 4, April, S. 497-501.
URL: http://www.unz.com/print/Forum/
URL: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/000552622

Pound, Ezra: Status rerum.
In: Poetry. A Magazine of Verse.
Bd. 1, 1913, Nr. 4, Januar, S. 123-127.
URL: https://modjourn.org/journal/poetry/
URL: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/000677633

Pound, Ezra: A Few Don'ts by an Imagiste.
In: Poetry. A Magazine of Verse.
Bd. 1, 1913, Nr. 6, März, S. 200-206.
URL: https://modjourn.org/journal/poetry/
URL: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/000677633

Pound, Ezra: Contemporania.
In: Poetry. A Magazine of Verse.
Bd. 2, 1913, Nr. 1, April, S. 1-12.
URL: https://modjourn.org/journal/poetry/
URL: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/000677633

[Pound, Ezra:] In Metre.
In: The New Freewoman.
Bd. 1, 1913, Nr. 7, 15. September, S. 131-132.
URL: https://modjourn.org/journal/new-freewoman/
URL: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/000053371

Pound, Ezra: Paris.
In: Poetry. A Magazine of Verse.
Bd. 3, 1913, Nr. 1, Oktober, S. 26-30.
URL: https://modjourn.org/journal/poetry/
URL: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/000677633

Pound, Ezra: The Approach to Paris. V.
In: The New Age. A Weekly Review of Politics, Literature, and Art.
Bd. 13, 1913, Nr. 23, 2. Oktober, S. 662-664.
URL: https://modjourn.org/journal/new-age/
URL: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/000547317

Pound, Ezra: The Serious Artist.
III. Emotion und Poesy
In: The New Freewoman.
Bd. 1, 1913, Nr. 10, 1. November, S. 194-195.
URL: https://modjourn.org/journal/new-freewoman/
URL: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/000053371

[Pound, Ezra:] Perls of Iron.
In: Poetry. A Magazine of Verse.
Bd. 1, 1913, Nr. 3, Dezember 1913, S. 111-113.
URL: https://modjourn.org/journal/poetry/
URL: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/000677633

[Pound, Ezra (Hrsg.):] Des Imagistes. An Anthology.
New York: Albert and Charles Boni, 1914.
URL: https://archive.org/details/desimagistesanan00alberich
URL: https://modjourn.org/journal/des-imagistes/
Gallup 1983, B7a. First edition (book issue).

Pound, Ezra: Mr. Hueffer and the Prose Tradition in Verse.
In: Poetry. A Magazine of Verse.
Bd. 4, 1914, Nr. 3, Juni, S. 111-120.
URL: https://modjourn.org/journal/poetry/
URL: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/000677633

Pound, Ezra: Vortex.
In: Blast.
1914, Nr. 1, 20. Juni, S. 153-154.
URL: https://modjourn.org/journal/blast/
URL: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/006061458

Pound, Ezra: Vorticism.
In: The Fortnightly Review.
N.S., Bd. 96, 1914, Nr. 573, 1. September, S. 461-471.
URL: http://opacplus.bsb-muenchen.de/title/715786-1
URL: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/006056638
URL: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/008882609
URL: https://archive.org/advancedsearch.php

Pound, Ezra: Affirmations.
II. Vorticism
In: The New Age. A Weekly Review of Politics, Literature, and Art.
Bd. 16, 1915, Nr. 11, 14. Januar, S. 277.
URL: https://modjourn.org/journal/new-age/
URL: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/000547317

Pound, Ezra: Affirmations.
IV. As for Imagisme.
In: The New Age. A Weekly Review of Politics, Literature, and Art.
Bd. 16, 1915, Nr. 13, 28. Januar, S. 349-350.
URL: https://modjourn.org/journal/new-age/
URL: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/000547317

Pound, Ezra: The Renaissance.
In: Poetry. A Magazine of Verse.
Bd. 5, 1915, Nr. 5, Februar, S. 227-233.
URL: https://modjourn.org/journal/poetry/
URL: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/000677633

Pound, Ezra: Remy de Gourmont [I].
In: The Fortnightly Review.
N.S., Bd. 98, 1915, Nr. 588, 1. Dezember, S. 1159-1166.
URL: http://opacplus.bsb-muenchen.de/title/715786-1
URL: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/006056638
URL: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/008882609
URL: https://archive.org/advancedsearch.php

Pound, Ezra: Remy de Gourmont [II].
In: Poetry. A Magazine of Verse.
Bd. 7, 1916, Nr. 4, Januar, S. 197-202.
URL: https://modjourn.org/journal/poetry/
URL: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/000677633

Pound, Ezra: Vers Libre and Arnold Dolmetsch.
In: The Egoist.
Bd. 4, 1917, Nr. 6, Juli, S. 90-91.
URL: https://modjourn.org/journal/egoist/
URL: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/000529711

Pound, Ezra: Irony, Laforgue and Some Satire.
In: Poetry. A Magazine of Verse.
Bd. 11, 1917, Nr. 2, November, S. 93-98.
URL: https://modjourn.org/journal/poetry/
URL: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/000677633

Pound, Ezra: A Retrospect.
In: Ders., Pavannes and Divisions.
New York: Knopf 1918, S. 95-111.
URL: https://archive.org/details/cu31924021664408
URL: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/008686439

Pound, Ezra: The Hard and the Soft in French Poetry.
In: Poetry. A Magazine of Verse.
Bd. 11, 1918, Nr. 5, Februar, S. 264-271.
URL: https://modjourn.org/journal/poetry/
URL: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/000677633

Pound, Ezra: A Study in French Poets.
In: The Little Review.
Bd. 4, 1918, Nr. 10, Februar, S. 3-61.
URL: https://modjourn.org/journal/little-review/
URL: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/007150627

Pound, Ezra: Albert Mockel and "La Wallonie".
In: The Little Review.
Bd. 5, 1918, Nr. 6, Oktober, S. 51-64.
URL: https://modjourn.org/journal/little-review/
URL: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/007150627

Paige, D. D. (Hrsg.): The Letters of Ezra Pound 1907 – 1941.
London: Faber and Faber 1951.

Pound, Ezra: Literary Essays.
Edited with an Introduction by T.S. Eliot.
London: Faber 1954.

Pound, Ezra: Ezra Pound's Poetry and Prose.
Contributions to Periodicals.
Hrsg. von Lea Baechler u.a.
11 Bde. New York u.a.: Garland 1991.

Witemeyer, Hugh (Hrsg.): Pound – Williams.
Selected Letters of Ezra Pound and William Carlos Williams.
New York u.a.: New Directions 1996.

Pound, Ezra: Early Writings.
Poems and Prose.
Edited with an Introduction and Notes by Ira B. Nadel.
New York u. London: Penguin Books 2005.




Literatur: Pound

Brandmeyer, Rudolf: Poetiken der Lyrik: Von der Normpoetik zur Autorenpoetik. In: Handbuch Lyrik. Theorie, Analyse, Geschichte. Hrsg. von Dieter Lamping. 2. Aufl. Stuttgart 2016, S. 2-15.

Ehlers, Sarah: Making It Old. The Victorian/Modern Divide in Twentieth-Century American Poetry. In: Modern Language Quarterly 73.1 (2012), S. 7-67.

Lipking, Lawrence: Poet-critics. In: The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism. Bd. 7: Modernism and the New Criticism. Hrsg. von A. Walton Litz. Cambridge u.a. 2000, S. 439-467.

Painter, Kirsten B.: Flint on a Bright Stone. A Revolution of Precision and Restraint in American, Russian, and German Modernism. Stanford, Calif. 2006.

Perloff, Marjorie: The Futurist Moment. Avant-Garde, Avant Guerre, and the Language of Rupture. Chicago, Ill. u.a. 2003.
Kap. 5: Ezra Pound and "The Prose Tradition in Verse".

Schuhmann, Klaus: Lyrik des 20. Jahrhunderts. Materialien zu einer Poetik. Reinbek bei Hamburg 1995 (= rowohlts enzyklopädie, 550).

Thacker, Andrew: A Language of Concrete Things: Hulme, Imagism and Modernist Theories of Language. In: T. E. Hulme and the Question of Modernism. Hrsg. von Edward Comentale u.a. Aldershot 2006, S. 39-55.



Literatur: Pound-Rezeption

Contini, Jean Christophe: Une amnistie sans pardon. Ezra Pound en France. Premiers passages et passeurs. In: Transatlantica. Revue d'études américaines 2 (2022).
URL: https://doi.org/10.4000/transatlantica.19973

Coyle, Michael / Preda, Roxana: Ezra Pound and the Career of Modern Criticism. Professional Attention. Rochester, NY 2018.

Erkkila, Betsy (Hrsg.): Ezra Pound. The Contemporary Reviews. Cambridge u.a. 2011.

Gerard, Philip: Pound Notes in German Markets: Paul Celan, Usury, and the Postwar Currency of Ezra Pound. In: Modernism/Modernity 27.1 (2020), S. 125-145.

Gery, John u.a. (Hrsg.): Cross-Cultural Ezra Pound. Clemson, SC 2021.

Harris, Robert: Making Him New: Ezra Pound in the Twenty-First Century. In: Journal of Modern Literature 45.2 (2022), S. 183-191.

Nadel, Ira B. (Hrsg.): Ezra Pound in Context. Cambridge u.a. 2015.

Patea, Viorica u.a. (Hrsg.): Ezra Pound and the Spanish World. Clemson, SC 2024.



Lyriktheorie » R. Brandmeyer