Oscar Wilde



The Decay of Lying: A Dialogue



Literatur: Wilde
Literatur: Wilde-Rezeption
Literatur: The Nineteenth Century

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Texte zur Baudelaire-Rezeption
Texte zur Verlaine-Rezeption
Texte zur Mallarmé-Rezeption


'The loss that results to literature in general from this false ideal of our time can hardly be overestimated. People have a careless way of talking about a "born liar," just as they talk about a "born poet." But in both cases they are wrong. Lying and poetry are arts — arts, as Plato saw, not unconnected with each other — and they require the most careful study, the most disinterested devotion. Indeed, they have their technique, just as the more material arts of painting and sculpture have, their subtle secrets of form and colour, their craft-mysteries, their deliberate artistic methods. As one knows the poet by his fine music, so one can recognise the liar by his rich rhythmic utterance, and in neither case will the casual inspiration of the moment suffice. Here, as elsewhere, practice must precede perfection. But in modern days while the fashion of writing poetry has become far too common, and should, if possible, be discouraged, the fashion of lying has almost fallen into disrepute. Many a young man starts in life with a natural gift for exaggeration which, if nurtured in congenial and sympathetic surroundings, or by the imitation of the best models, might grow into something really [38] great and wonderful. But, as a rule, he comes to notbing. He either falls into careless habits of accuracy — '





Erstdruck und Druckvorlage

The Nineteenth Century.
Bd. 25, 1889, Januar, S. 35-56.

Unser Auszug: S. 37-38.

Gezeichnet: OSCAR WILDE.

Die Textwiedergabe erfolgt nach dem ersten Druck (Editionsrichtlinien).

The Nineteenth Century   online
URL: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/006061863
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URL: https://archive.org/advancedsearch.php

The Nineteenth Century   inhaltsanalytische Bibliographie
The Wellesley Index to Victorian Periodicals, 1824-1900.
Hrsg. von Walter E. Houghton. Bd. 2. Toronto 1972.





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Kommentierte und kritische Ausgaben




Literatur: Wilde

Brandmeyer, Rudolf: Poetiken der Lyrik: Von der Normpoetik zur Autorenpoetik. In: Handbuch Lyrik. Theorie, Analyse, Geschichte. Hrsg. von Dieter Lamping. 2. Aufl. Stuttgart 2016, S. 2-15.

Bristow, Joseph u.a. (Hrsg.): Wilde Discoveries. Traditions, Histories, Archives. Toronto u.a. 2013.

Bristow, Joseph / Mitchell, Rebecca N.: Oscar Wilde's 'Cultivated Blindness': Reassessing the Textual and Intellectual History of 'The Decay of Lying'. In: The Review of English Studies 69 (February 2018), S. 94–156.

Burdorf, Dieter: Gespräche über Kunst. Zur Konjunktur einer literarischen Form um 1900. In: Jugendstil und Kulturkritik. Zur Literatur und Kunst um 1900. Hrsg. von Andreas Beyer u.a. Heidelberg 1999 (= Jenaer Germanistische Forschungen; N. F., 7), S. 29-50.

Danson, Lawrence: Wilde's Intentions. The Artist in his Criticism. Oxford 1997.

Grech, Leanne: Oscar Wilde's Aesthetic Education. The Oxford Classical Curriculum. Cham 2019.

Horrocks, Jamie: Vernon Lee, Oscar Wilde, and the Dialogue of 'New Aesthetics'. In: Nineteenth-Century Prose 40.1 (2013), S. 201-239.

Jauß, Hans R.: Ursprünge der Naturfeindschaft in der Ästhetik der Moderne. In: Romantik: Aufbruch zur Moderne. Hrsg. von Karl Maurer u.a. München 1991 (= Romanistisches Kolloquium, 5), S. 357-382.

Knox, Melissa: Oscar Wilde in the 1990s. The Critic as Creator. Rochester, NY u.a. 2001.

Lipking, Lawrence: Poet-critics. In: The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism. Bd. 7: Modernism and the New Criticism. Hrsg. von A. Walton Litz. Cambridge u.a. 2000, S. 439-467.

Marcovitch, Heather: The Art of the Pose. Oscar Wilde's Performance Theory. Bern u.a. 2010.

Mendelssohn, Michèle: Making Oscar Wilde. Oxford 2018.

Waithe, Marcus / White, Claire (Hrsg.): The Labour of Literature in Britain and France, 1830-1910. Authorial Work Ethics. London 2018.

Warner, Eric / Hough, Graham (Hrsg.): Strangeness and Beauty. An Anthology of Aesthetic Criticism 1840–1910. 2 Bde. Cambridge u.a. 2009.

Womack, Peter: Dialogue and Leisure at the Fin de Siècle. In: Cambridge Quarterly 42.2 (2013), S. 134-156.



Literatur: Wilde-Rezeption

Bann, Stephen (Hrsg.): The Reception of Walter Pater in Europe. London 2004.

Beckson, Karl (Hrsg.): Oscar Wilde. The Critical Heritage. Repr. London u.a. 1997.

Bianchi, Cristiano: Karl Kraus als Leser von Charles Baudelaire und Oscar Wilde. Innsbruck u.a. 2009.

Bristow, Joseph (Hrsg.): Oscar Wilde and Modern Culture. The Making of a Legend. Athens, Ohio 2008.

Davis, Michael F. / Dierkes-Thrun, Petra (Hrsg.): Wilde's Other Worlds. New York u. London 2018.

Evangelista, Stefano (Hrsg.): The Reception of Oscar Wilde in Europe. London 2010.

Friedman, David M.: Wilde in America. Oscar Wilde and the Invention of Modern Celebrity. New York u.a. 2014.

Hänsel-Hohenhausen, Markus von: Die frühe deutschsprachige Oscar-Wilde-Rezeption (1893 - 1906). Bibliographie. 2. Aufl. Egelsbach 1999.

Marland, Rob (Hrsg.): Oscar Wilde - the Complete Interviews. 2 Bde. Jena 2022.

Martino, Pierpaolo: WILDE NOW. Performance, Celebrity and Intermediality in Oscar Wilde. Cham 2023.

Mayer, Sandra: Oscar Wilde in Vienna. Pleasing and Teasing the Audience. Leiden 2018.

Mitchell, Rebecca N.: Oscar Wilde and the French Press, 1880–91. In: Victorian Periodicals Review 49.1 (2016), S. 123-148.

Morris, Roy, Jr.: Declaring His Genius. Oscar Wilde in North America. Cambridge, MA 2013.

Powell, Kerry u.a. (Hrsg.): Oscar Wilde in Context. Cambridge u.a. 2013.

Rodríguez Navas, Ana / Bouzaglo, Nathalie (Hrsg.): The Legacy of Oscar Wilde in Latin American Literature and Culture [Special Section]. In: Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies 28.3 (2019), S. 321-447.



Literatur: The Nineteenth Century

King, Andrew / Plunkett, Andrew (Hrsg.): Victorian Print Media. A Reader. Oxford 2005.

King, Andrew u.a. (Hrsg.): The Routledge Handbook to Nineteenth-Century British Periodicals and Newspapers. London u. New York 2019.

Palmegiano, E. M.: Perceptions of the Press in Nineteenth-Century British Periodicals. A Bibliography. London u.a. 2012.

Small, Helen: Liberal Editing in the Fortnightly Review and the Nineteenth Century. In: Authorship in Context. From the Theoretical to the Material. Hrsg. von Kyriaki Hadjiafxendi and Polina Mackay. Basingstoke u.a. 2007, S. 56-71.

Stead, Évanghélia / Védrine, Hélène (Hrsg.): L'Europe des revues II (1860-1930). Réseaux et circulations des modèles. Paris 2018.



Lyriktheorie » R. Brandmeyer