Literatur: Meynell
Literatur: Poetologische Lyrik
Literatur: Merry England
5 | I COME from nothing; but from where Come the undying thoughts I bear? Down through long links of death and birth, From the past poets of the earth – My immortality is there. |
10 | I am like the blossom of an hour; But long, long vanished sun and shower Awoke my breath i' the young world's air. I track the past back everywhere – Through seed and flower, and seed and flower. |
15 | Or I am like a stream that flows Full of the cold springs that arose In morning lands, in distant hills; And down the plain my channel fills With melting of forgotten snows. |
20 | Voices I have not heard possessed My own fresh songs; my thoughts are blessed With relics of the far unknown. And mixed with memories not my own The sweet streams throng into my breast. |
25 | Before this life began to be, The happy songs that wake in me Woke long ago and far apart. Heavily on this little heart Presses this immortality. |
Erstdruck und Druckvorlage
Merry England.
An Illustrated Magazine.
Bd. 5, 1885, Nr. 28, August, S. 273.
Merry England online
URL: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/100322698
URL: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/100027290
URL: https://archive.org/advancedsearch.php
Aufgenommen in
Literatur: Meynell
Atkinson, Damian (Hrsg.): The Selected Letters of Alice Meynell: Poet and Essayist.
Newcastle upon Tyne 2013.
Bristow, Joseph (Hrsg.): Extraordinary Aesthetes.
Decadents, New Women, and Fin-de-Siècle Culture.
Toronto 2023.
Faulkner, Ash: The Transatlantic Inheritance of Alice Meynell.
In: Victorian Literature and Culture 50.3 (2022), S. 549-573.
Hughes, Linda K. (Hrsg.): The Cambridge Companion to Victorian Women's Poetry.
Cambridge 2019.
Parker, Sarah: Form and Modernity in Women's Poetry, 1895-1922.
A Line of Her Own.
Oxford 2024.
Richardson, LeeAnne: Turn of the Century Women's Poetry: Skirting the Problems of Periodization
In: Nineteenth-Century Gender Studies 13.3 (2017), S. 81-101.
URL: http://www.ncgsjournal.com/issue133/richardson.htm
Thain, Marion / Parejo Vadillo, Ana (Hrsg.):
Fin de Siècle Literary Culture and Women Poets.
In: Victorian Literature and Culture 34.2 (2006), S. 389-684.
Vadillo, Ana P.: Women Poets and Urban Aestheticism.
Passengers of Modernity.
Basingstoke 2005.
Wilkes, Joanne (Hrsg.): Women Critics.
Milton 2021 (= Literary and Cultural Criticism from the Nineteenth Century, 4).
Wise, Julie: Alice Meynell's Doubled Voices.
In: English Literature in Transition 1880-1920 61.3 (2018), S. 291-309.
Literatur: Merry England
Bacot, Jean-Pierre: The Iillustrated London News et ses déclinaisons internationales: un siècle d'influence. In: L'Europe des revues II (1860-1930). Réseaux et circulations des modèles.
Hrsg. von Évanghélia Stead u. Hélène Védrine.
Paris 2018, S. 35-47.
Barthold, Willi W.: Der literarische Realismus und die illustrierten Printmedien.
Literatur im Kontext der Massenmedien und visuellen Kultur des 19. Jahrhunderts.
Bielefeld 2021.
Dudt, Charmazel: Wilfrid Meynell: Editor, Publisher, & Friend.
In: Victorian Periodicals Review 16.3/4 (1983), S. 104-109.
URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/20082087
Goldman, Paul / Cooke, Simon: Reading Victorian Illustration, 1855-1875.
Spoils of the Lumber Room.
Farnham u.a. 2012.
Gray, F. Elizabeth (Hrsg.): Women in Journalism at the Fin de Siècle.
Making a Name for Herself.
London 2012.
Igl, Natalia / Menzel, Julia (Hrsg.): Illustrierte Zeitschriften um 1900.
Mediale Eigenlogik, Multimodalität und Metaisierung.
Bielefeld 2016.
King, Andrew / Plunkett, Andrew (Hrsg.): Victorian Print Media.
A Reader.
Oxford 2005.
King, Andrew u.a. (Hrsg.): The Routledge Handbook
to Nineteenth-Century British Periodicals and Newspapers.
London u. New York 2019.
Lyriktheorie » R. Brandmeyer