Elizabeth Barrett Browning



Literatur: Barrett Browning
Literatur: Poetologische Lyrik
Literatur: The Cornhill Magazine


                   A Musical Instrument.


4                             I.
WHAT was he doing, the great god Pan,
   Down in the reeds by the river?
Spreading ruin and scattering ban,
Splashing and paddling with hoofs of a goat,
8   And breaking the golden lilies afloat
   With the dragon-fly on the river?


He tore out a reed, the great god Pan,
   From the deep cool bed of the river.
12   The limpid water turbidly ran,
And the broken lilies a-dying lay,
And the dragon-fly had fled away,
   Ere he brought it out of the river.


High on the shore sate the great god Pan,
   While turbidly flowed the river,
And hacked and hewed as a great god can,
With his hard bleak steel at the patient reed,
20   Till there was not a sign of a leaf indeed
   To prove it fresh from the river.


He cut it short, did the great god Pan,
   (How tall it stood in the river!)
24   Then drew the pith, like the heart of a man,
Steadily from the outside ring,
Then notched the poor dry empty thing
   In holes as he sate by the river.


[85] "This is the way," laughed the great god Pan,
   (Laughed while he sate by the river!)
"The only way since gods began
To make sweet music they could succeed."
32   Then, dropping his mouth to a hole in the reed,
   He blew in power by the river.


Sweet, sweet, sweet, O Pan!
   Piercing sweet by the river!
36   Blinding sweet, O great god Pan!
The sun on the hill forgot to die,
And the lilies revived, and the dragon-fly
   Came back to dream on the river.


Yet half a beast is the great god Pan
   To laugh, as he sits by the river,
Making a poet out of a man.
The true gods sigh for the cost and pain, –
  For the reed that grows nevermore again
   As a reed with the reeds in the river.





Erstdruck und Druckvorlage

The Cornhill Magazine.
Bd. 2, 1860, Juli, S. 84-85.


Die Textwiedergabe erfolgt nach dem ersten Druck (Editionsrichtlinien).

The Cornhill Magazine   online
URL: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/000522322
URL: https://archive.org/details/pub_cornhill-magazine

The Cornhill Magazine   inhaltsanalytische Bibliographie
The Wellesley Index to Victorian Periodicals, 1824-1900.
Hrsg. von Walter E. Houghton. Bd. 1. Toronto 1966.





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Kommentierte und kritische Ausgaben




Literatur: Barrett Browning

Barton, Anna: Nineteenth-Century Poetry and Liberal Thought. Forms of Freedom. London 2017.

Brandmeyer, Rudolf: Poetologische Lyrik. In: Handbuch Lyrik. Theorie, Analyse, Geschichte. Hrsg. von Dieter Lamping. 2. Aufl. Stuttgart 2016, S. 164-168.

Davies, Corinne: Two of Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Pan Poems and Their After-Life in Robert Browning's "Pan and Luna". In: Victorian Poetry 44 (2006 Winter), S. 561-69.
URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/40002705

Gymnich, Marion / Müller-Zettelmann, Eva: Metalyrik: Gattungsspezifische Besonderheiten, Formenspektrum und zentrale Funktionen. In: Metaisierung in Literatur und anderen Medien. Theoretische Grundlagen – Historische Perspektiven – Metagattungen – Funktionen. Hrsg. von Janine Hauthal u.a. Berlin u.a. 2007 (= spectrum Literaturwissenschaft / spectrum Literature, 12), S. 65-91.

Hughes, Linda K. (Hrsg.): The Cambridge Companion to Victorian Women's Poetry. Cambridge 2019.

Hughes, Linda K. (Hrsg.): Poetry. In: The Routledge Handbook to Nineteenth-Century British Periodicals and Newspapers. Hrsg. von Andrew King u.a. London u. New York 2019, S. 124-137.

Paliyenko, Adrianna M.: Genius Envy. Women Shaping French Poetic History, 1801-1900. University Park, Pennsylvania 2016.

Prins, Yopie: "What is Historical Poetics?" In: Modern Language Quarterly 77.1 (2016), S. 13-40.



Literatur: The Cornhill Magazine

Delafield, Catherine: Serialization and the Novel in Mid-Victorian Magazines. Farnham u.a. 2015.

Ehnes, Caley: Victorian Poetry and the Poetics of the Literary Periodical. Edinburgh 2019.
Kap. 2: The New Shilling Monthlies: Macmillan's Magazine and The Cornhill.

Goldman, Paul / Cooke, Simon: Reading Victorian Illustration, 1855-1875. Spoils of the Lumber Room. Farnham u.a. 2012.

King, Andrew / Plunkett, Andrew (Hrsg.): Victorian Print Media. A Reader. Oxford 2005.

King, Andrew u.a. (Hrsg.): The Routledge Handbook to Nineteenth-Century British Periodicals and Newspapers. London u. New York 2019.

Palmegiano, E. M.: Perceptions of the Press in Nineteenth-Century British Periodicals. A Bibliography. London u.a. 2012.

Shattock, Joanne (Hrsg.): Journalism and the Periodical Press in Nineteenth-Century Britain. Cambridge 2019.

Victorian Periodicals Review 32.3 (1999), [Special Number]: The Cornhill Magazine.
URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/i20083678

Zwierlein, Anne-Julia: Viktorianische Zeitschriften als multimediale, polyvokale und außerparlamentarische Plattformen. In: Handbuch Zeitschriftenforschung. Hrsg. von Oliver Scheiding u. Sabina Fazli. Bielefeld 2023, S. 273-288.
DOI: 10.14361/9783839451137-018



Lyriktheorie » R. Brandmeyer