Elizabeth Barrett Browning





                      Aurora Leigh

                      [Auszug: Buch I]


845   My books!
                  At last, because the time was ripe,
I chanced upon the poets.
                                        As the earth
850   Plunges in fury, when the internal fires
Have reached and pricked her heart, and, throwing flat
The marts and temples, the triumphal gates
And towers of observation, clears herself
To elemental freedom-thus, my soul,
855   At poetry's divine first finger-touch,
Let go conventions and sprang up surprised,
Convicted of the great eternities
Before two worlds.
                              What's this, Aurora Leigh,
You write so of the poets, and not laugh?
860   Those virtuous liars, dreamers after dark,
Exaggerators of the sun and moon,
And soothsayers in a tea-cup?
                                               I write so
Of the only truth-tellers, now left to God, -
The only speakers of essential truth,
865   Opposed to relative, comparative,
And temporal truths; the only holders by
His sun-skirts, through conventional grey glooms;
The only teachers who instruct mankind,
From just a shadow on a charnel-wall,
870   To find man's veritable stature out,
[32] Erect, sublime, - the measure of a man,
And that's the measure of an angel, says
The apostle.   Ay, and while your common men
Build pyramids, gauge railroads, reign, reap, dine,
875   And dust the flaunty carpets of the world
For kings to walk on, or our senators,
The poet suddenly will catch them up
With his voice like a thunder. . 'This is soul,
This is life, this word is being said in heaven,
880   Here's God down on us! what are you about?'
How all those workers start amid their work,
Look round, look up, and feel, a moment's space,
That carpet-dusting, though a pretty trade,
Is not the imperative labour after all.





Erstdruck und Druckvorlage

Elizabeth Barrett Browning: Aurora Leigh.
London: Chapman and Hall 1857.

Unser Auszug: S. 31-32.

Die Textwiedergabe erfolgt nach dem ersten Druck (Editionsrichtlinien).

URL: https://archive.org/details/auroraleigh00browrich
PURL: https://hdl.handle.net/2027/uc2.ark:/13960/t08w3np06



Kommentierte und kritische Ausgaben





Barton, Anna: Nineteenth-Century Poetry and Liberal Thought. Forms of Freedom. London 2017.

Brandmeyer, Rudolf: Poetiken der Lyrik: Von der Normpoetik zur Autorenpoetik. In: Handbuch Lyrik. Theorie, Analyse, Geschichte. Hrsg. von Dieter Lamping. 2. Aufl. Stuttgart 2016, S. 2-15.

Dawson, Clara: Victorian Poetry and the Culture of Evaluation. Oxford 2020.

Erbeznik, Elizabeth: City-Craft as Poetic Process in Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Aurora Leigh. In: Victorian Poetry; 52 (2014), S. 619-636.

Garlick, Barbara (Hrsg.): Tradition and the Poetics of Self in Nineteenth-Century Women's Poetry. Amsterdam u.a. 2002.

Hauser, Emily: "Homer Undone". Homeric Scholarship and the Invention of Female Epic. In: Reading Poetry, Writing Genre: English Poetry and Literary Criticism in Dialogue with Classical Scholarship. Hrsg. von Silvio Bär u.a. London 2019, S. 151-171.

Hughes, Linda K. (Hrsg.): The Cambridge Companion to Victorian Women's Poetry. Cambridge 2019.

Laird, Holly A.: Aurora Leigh: An Epical Ars Poetica. In: Writing the Woman Artist. Essays on Poetics, Politics, and Portraiture. Hrsg. von Suzanne W. Jones. Philadelphia 1991, S. 353-370.

Lyons, Sara: The Disenchantment/Re-Enchantment of the World: Aesthetics, Secularization, and the Gods of Greece from Friedrich Schiller to Walter Pater. In: Modern Language Review 109 (2014), S. 873-895.

Marshall, Gail (Hrsg.): Nineteenth-Century Literature in Transition. The 1850s. Cambridge u.a. 2025.

Noel-Tod, Jeremy: The Hero as Individual Talent. Thomas Carlyle, T. S. Eliot and the Prophecy of Modernism. In: The Review of English Studies 64 (2013), S. 475-491.

Paliyenko, Adrianna M.: Genius Envy. Women Shaping French Poetic History, 1801-1900. University Park, Pennsylvania 2016.

Schweizer, Bernard (Hrsg.): Approaches to the Anglo and American Female Epic, 1621-1982. Aldershot u.a. 2006.

Waithe, Marcus / White, Claire (Hrsg.): The Labour of Literature in Britain and France, 1830-1910. Authorial Work Ethics. London 2018.



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