Literatur: Keats
Literatur: Brief
Literatur: Keats-Rezeption
Hampstead, 27 February [1818].
My dear Taylor,
Your alteration strikes me as being a great improvement. And now I will attend to the punctuation you speak of. The comma should be at soberly, and in the other passage the comma should follow quiet. I am extremely indebted to you for this alteration, and also for your after admonitions. It is a sorry thing for me that any one should have to overcome prejudices in reading my verses. That affects me more than any hypercriticism on any particular passage. In "Endymion," I have most likely but moved into the go-cart from the leading-strings. In poetry I have a few axioms, and you will see how far I am from their centre.
1st. I think poetry should surprise by a fine excess, and not by singularity; it should strike the reader as a wording of his own highest thoughts, and appear almost a remembrance.
2nd. Its touches of beauty should never be half-way, thereby making the reader breathless instead of content. The rise, the progress, the setting of imagery, should like the sun, come natural too him, shine over him, and set soberly, although in magnificence, leaving him in the luxury of twilight. But it is easier to think what poetry should be, than to write it. And this leads me to
Another axiom – That if poetry comes not as naturally as the leaves to a tree, it had better not come at all. However it may be with me, I cannot help looking into [122] new countries with "Oh, for a muse of fire to ascend!" If "Endymion" serves me as a pioneer, perhaps I ought to be content, for, thank God, I can read, and perhaps understand, Shakespeare to his depths; and I have, I am sure, many friends, who, if I fail, will attribute any change in my life and temper to humbleness rather than pride – to a cowering under the wings of great poets, rather than to a bitterness that I am not appreciated. I am anxious to get "Endymion" printed that I may forget it, and proceed. I have copied the Third Book, and begun the Fourth. I will take care the printer shall not trip up my heels.
Remember me to Percy Street.
Your sincere and obliged friend
John Keats
P.S. – I shall have a short preface in good time.
Erstdruck und Druckvorlage
The poetical works and other writings of John Keats,
now first brought together, including poems and numerous letters not before published.
Edited with notes and appendices by Harry Buxton Forman.
Volume III. London: Reeves & Turner 1883, S. 122-123.
Die Textwiedergabe erfolgt nach dem ersten Druck
URL: https://archive.org/details/poeticalworksan02keatgoog
PURL: https://hdl.handle.net/2027/hvd.32044090338062
Kommentierte und kritische Ausgaben
Literatur: Keats
Brandmeyer, Rudolf: Poetiken der Lyrik: Von der Normpoetik zur Autorenpoetik.
In: Handbuch Lyrik. Theorie, Analyse, Geschichte.
Hrsg. von Dieter Lamping.
2. Aufl. Stuttgart 2016, S. 2-15.
Callaghan, Madeleine: Letters.
In: John Keats in Context. Hrsg. von Michael O'Neill.
Cambridge 2017, S. 66-74.
Chai, Leon: Romantic Theory.
Forms of Reflexivity in the Revolutionary Era.
Baltimore, Md. 2006.
Crinquand, Sylvie: Les Lettres de John Keats:
D'un poète épistolier.
In: Mosaic. An Interdisciplinary Critical Journal 50.3 (2017), S. 125-140.
Duff, David: Romanticism and the Uses of Genre.
Oxford 2009.
Mahoney, Charles (Hrsg.): A Companion to Romantic Poetry.
Oxford u.a. 2011.
Marx, William: How to Become a Comparatist.
In: Comparative Critical Studies 21.1 (2024), S. 77-91.
O'Halloran, Meiko: Sage, Humanist, and Physician to All Men:
Keats and Romantic Conceptualisations of the Poet.
In: Romanticism.
The Journal of Romantic Culture and Criticism 22.2 (2016), S. 177-190.
Rejack, Brian / Theune, Michael (Hrsg.): Keats's Negative Capability.
New Origins and Afterlives.
Liverpool 2019.
Robinson, Jeffrey C.: 1820: Poetics "In the Spirit of Outlawry".
In: European Romantic Review 33.2 (2022), S. 157-174.
Wolfson, Susan J.: Keats the Letter-Writer: Epistolary Poetics.
In: Romanticism Past and Present 6.2 (1982), S. 43-61.
Wolfson, Susan J.: The new poetries.
In: The Cambridge History of English Romantic Literature.
Hrsg. von James Chandler. Cambridge 2009, S. 403-426.
Literatur: Keats-Rezeption
Christensen, Allan C. u.a. (Hrsg.): The Challenge of Keats.
Bicentenary Essays, 1795-1995.
Amsterdam u.a. 2000.
Eisner, Eric: Nineteenth-Century Poetry and Literary Celebrity.
Basingstoke u.a. 2009.
Hanke, Michael: John Keats in Deutschland.
In: Die Rezeption europäischer und amerikanischer Lyrik in Deutschland.
Hrsg. von Christine Fischer u. Ulrich Steltner.
Frankfurt am Main u.a. 1997, S. 33-52.
Matthews, Geoffrey M. (Hrsg.): Keats.
The Critical Heritage.
London 1971 (= The Critical Heritage Series).
Najarian, James: Victorian Keats.
Manliness, Sexuality, and Desire.
Basingstoke, Hampshire u.a. 2002.
O'Neill, Michael (Hrsg.): John Keats in Context.
Cambridge u. New York 2017.
Roux, Pascale: Éthos et style chez les traducteurs de poésie.
Keats, Leopardi et Heine en français.
Paris 2024.
Simonis, Linda: Die Heteronomie des l'art pour l'art.
John Keats und Théophile Gautier.
In: Heteronomieästhetik der Moderne.
Hrsg. von Irene Albers u.a.
Berlin 2022, S. 103-124.
Watson, Alex: "Truth in Beauty and Beauty in Truth":
Rabindranath Tagore's Appropriation of John Keats' "Ode on a Grecian Urn" (1819).
In: British Romanticism in Asia.
The Reception, Translation, and Transformation of Romantic Literature
in India and East Asia;
Hrsg. von Alex Watson, Laurence Williams.
Singapore 2019, S. 169-190.
Wootton, Sarah: Consuming Keats.
Nineteenth-Century Representations in Art and Literature.
Basingstoke u.a. 2006.
Lyriktheorie » R. Brandmeyer