Literatur: Pope
Some Beauties yet, no Precepts can declare,
For there's a Happiness as well as Care.
Musick resembles Poetry, in each
Are nameless Graces which no Methods teach,
And which a Master-Hand alone can reach.
If, where the Rules not far enough extend,
(Since Rules were made but to promote their End)
Some Lucky LICENCE answers to the full
Th' Intent propos'd, that Licence is a Rule.
Thus Pegasus, a nearer way to take,
May boldly deviate from the common Track.
Great Wits sometimes may gloriously offend,
And rise to Faults true Criticks dare not mend;
From vulgar Bounds with brave Disorder part,
And snatch a Grace beyond the Reach of Art,
Which, without passing thro' the Judgment, gains
The Heart, and all its End at once attains.
In Prospects, thus, some Objects please our Eyes,
Which out of Nature's common Order rise,
The shapeless Rock, or hanging Precipice.
But Care in Poetry must still be had,
It asks Discretion ev'n in running Mad;
[12] And tho' the Ancients thus their Rules invade,
(As Kings dispense with Laws Themselves have made)
Moderns, beware! Or if you must offend
Against the Precept, ne'er transgress its End,
Let it be seldom, and compell'd by Need,
And have, at least, Their Precedent to plead.
The Critick else proceeds without Remorse,
Seizes your Fame, and puts his Laws in force.
[Fußnote, S. 11]
† Neque tam sancta sunt ista Præcepta, sed hoc quicquid est,
Utilitas excogitavit; Non negabo autem sic utile esse plerunque;
verum si eadem illa nobis aliud suadebis utilitas, hanc, relictis
magistrorum autoritatibus, sequemur. Quintil. I. 2. cap. 13.
Erstdruck und Druckvorlage
An Essay on Criticism.
London: Lewis 1711, S. 10-12.
Vgl. Reginald Harvey Griffith: Alexander Pope, a bibliography.
Vol. I: Pope's own writing, 1709-1734.
Reprint. London 1962, No. 2.
Die Textwiedergabe erfolgt nach der quarto edition
URL: https://archive.org/details/popeessayoncriticism
URL: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/96/An_Essay_on_Criticism_-_Pope_(1711).pdf
PURL: https://hdl.handle.net/2027/chi.56787625
Kommentierte und kritische Ausgabe
Literatur: Pope
Alvarez, David: Alexander Pope's An Essay on Criticism and a Poetics for 1688.
In: Restoration: Studies in English Literary Culture, 1660-1700. 39.1-2 (2015), S. 101-123.
Brandmeyer, Rudolf: Poetiken der Lyrik: Von der Normpoetik zur Autorenpoetik.
In: Handbuch Lyrik. Theorie, Analyse, Geschichte.
Hrsg. von Dieter Lamping.
2. Aufl. Stuttgart 2016, S. 2-15.
Bruce, Michael: An Essay on Criticism by Alexander Pope, 1711.
In: Tracy Chevalier (Hrsg.): Encyclopedia of the Essay.
London u.a. 1997, S. 267-269.
Domsch, Sebastian: The Emergence of Literary Criticism in 18th-Century Britain.
Discourse between Attacks and Authority.
Berlin u. Boston 2014 (= Buchreihe der Anglia / Anglia Book Series, 47).
Hone, Joseph: Alexander Pope in the Making.
Oxford 2021.
Leucht, Robert: Alexander Popes biographische Legende in Deutschland, 1740-1781.
Entstehung, Genese und Funktion einer Imago des freien Schriftstellers.
In: Angermion: Yearbook for Anglo-German Literary Criticism, Intellectual History and Cultural
Transfers/Jahrbuch für Britisch-Deutsche Kulturbeziehungen 13 (2020), S. 35-61.
Lynch, Jack (Hrsg.): The Oxford Handbook of British Poetry, 1660-1800.
Oxford 2016.
Rogers, Pat (Hrsg.): The Cambridge Companion to Alexander Pope.
Cambridge, Ma 2007.
Sauer, Elizabeth (Hrsg.): Emergent Nation.
Early Modern British Literature in Transition, 1660–1714.
Cambridge 2019.
Smallwood, Philip: Pope's Essay on Criticism and the Logic of Definition.
Lewisburg 2003.
Willan, Claude: Literary Authority.
An Eighteenth-Century Genealogy.
Stanford, CA 2023.
Zymner, Rüdiger (Hrsg.): Handbuch Gattungstheorie.
Stuttgart u.a. 2010.
Lyriktheorie » R. Brandmeyer