T. S. Eliot



Reflections on Contemporary Poetry



Literatur: T. S. Eliot
Literatur: The Egoist


EACH of us, even the most gifted, can find room in his brain for hardly more than two or three new ideas, or ideas so perfectly assimilated as to be original; for an idea is a speciality, and no one has time for more than a few. With these, or with one, say, hexagonal or octagonal idea, each sets to work and industriously and obliviously begins building cells; not rebelling against the square or the circle, but occasionally coming into collision with some other Bee which has rectangular or circular ideas. All the ideas, beliefs, modes of feeling and behaviour which we have not time or inclination to investigate for ourselves we take second-hand and sometimes call Tradition. * We cannot change much; the point is to do a good job where we can. In literature especially, the innovations which we can consciously and collectively aim to introduce are few, and mostly technical. The main thing is to be quite certain what these are.

The title of Miss Monroe's anthology, and her interesting and admirable introduction, and the inspection of the forces she has mustered, lead me to wonder whether a whole generation can arise together and insurrect; as this introduction leads me to believe that it has insurrected. Perhaps the word is invidious, but there is certainly a hit at the Victorian Age in toto. And the struggle is one in which much more appears to be involved than technical form (many of the poets included adhere closely to conventional forms): "The new poetry strives for a concrete and immediate realization of life; it would discard the theory, the abstraction, the remoteness, found in all classics not of the first order." There is the demand for a "style like speech ... like a cry from the heart."



[Fußnoten, S. 151]

* For an authoritative condemnation of theories attaching extreme importance to tradition as a criterion of truth, see Pope Gregory XVI's encyclical Singulari nos (July 15, 1834), and the Vatican Council canon of 1870, Si quis dixerit. .. anathema sit.   zurück

† The New Poetry: An Anthology. Edited by Harriet Monroe and Alice Corbin Henderson, editors of Poetry. New York: The Macmillan Co. 1917. $1.75.   zurück





Erstdruck und Druckvorlage

The Egoist.
Bd. 4, 1917, Nr. 10, November, S. 151.

Gezeichnet: T. S. E.

Unser Auszug: S. 151.

Die Textwiedergabe erfolgt nach dem ersten Druck (Editionsrichtlinien).

The Egoist   online
URL: https://modjourn.org/journal/egoist/
URL: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/000529711

The Egoist   inhaltsanalytische Bibliographie
URL: https://www.unionofegoists.com/journals/the-egoist-1914/#index-of-issues





Kommentierte und kritische Ausgabe




Literatur: T. S. Eliot

Brandmeyer, Rudolf: Poetiken der Lyrik: Von der Normpoetik zur Autorenpoetik. In: Handbuch Lyrik. Theorie, Analyse, Geschichte. Hrsg. von Dieter Lamping. 2. Aufl. Stuttgart 2016, S. 2-15.

Cianci, Giovanni u.a. (Hrsg.): T. S. Eliot and the Concept of Tradition. Cambridge u.a. 2007.

Ehlers, Sarah: Making It Old: The Victorian/Modern Divide in Twentieth-Century American Poetry. In: Modern Language Quarterly 73.1 (2012), 37-67.

Gallup, Donald: T. S. Eliot. A Bibliography. London 1969.

Lipking, Lawrence: Poet-critics. In: The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism. Bd. 7: Modernism and the New Criticism. Hrsg. von A. Walton Litz. Cambridge u.a. 2000, S. 439-467.

Rabaté, Jean-Michel: Tradition and T. S. Eliot. In: The Cambridge Companion to T. S. Eliot. Hrsg. von A. David Moody. 10. Aufl. Cambridge u.a. 2008, S. 210-222.

White, Peter: Tradition and the Individual Talent Revisited. In: Review of English Studies 58,235 (2007), S. 364-392.



Literatur: The Egoist

Binckes, Faith / Snyder, Carey (Hrsg.): Women, Periodicals and Print Culture in Britain, 1890s-1920s. The Modernist Period. Edinburgh 2019.

Bornstein, George: Material Modernism. The Politics of the Page. New York 2001.

Brooker, Peter: The Freewoman, The New Freewoman et The Egoist: femmes modernes et modernisme masculin. In: Revues modernistes anglo-américaines. Lieux d'échanges, lieux d’exil. Hrsg. von Benoît Tadié. Paris 2006, S. 129-140.

Clarke, Bruce: D. H. Lawrence and the Egoist Group. In: Journal of Modern Literature 18.1 (1992), S. 65-76.
URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/3831547

Clarke, Bruce: Dora Marsden and Early Modernism: Gender, Individualism, Science. Ann Arbor 1996.

Clarke, Bruth: Suffragism, Imagism, and the "Cosmic Poet": Scientism and Spirituality in The Freewoman and The Egoist. In: Little Magazines & Modernism. New Approaches. Hrsg. von Suzanne Churchill u. Adam McKible. Aldershot, England 2007, S. 119-131.

Cuny, Noëlle: D'un style scientifique dans certaines revues d’avant-garde (BLAST, The Signature, The Egoist, 1914-1915). In: Études de stylistique anglaise [En ligne] 2 (2011), S. 23-38.
URL: http://journals.openedition.org/esa/1783

Doyle, Charles: Richard Aldington. A Biography. Basingstoke u.a. 1989.

Harding, Jason: Tradition and Egoism: T. S. Eliot and The Egoist. In: T. S. Eliot and the Concept of Tradition. Hrsg. von Giovanni Cianci. Cambridge u.a. 2007, S. 90-102.

Marek, Jayne: Women Editing Modernism. Lexington 1995.

Morrisson, Mark S.: The Public Face of Modernism. Little Magazines, Audiences, and Reception, 1905-1920. Madison, Wis. u.a. 2001.
Kap 3: Marketing British Modernism: The Freewoman, the Egoist, and Counterpublic Speres (S. 84-132).

Rabaté, Jean-Michel: Tradition moderniste ou taxonomie des petites revues: The New Age, The Egoist, transition. In: Revues modernistes anglo-américaines. Lieux d'échanges, lieux d’exil. Hrsg. von Benoît Tadié. Paris 2006, S. 31-57.

Rabaté, Jean-Michel: Gender and Modernism: The Freewoman (1911-12); The New Freewoman (1913), and The Egoist (1914-19). In: The Oxford Critical and Cultural History of Modernist Magazines. Hrsg. von Peter Brooker u.a. Bd. 1: Britain and Ireland 1880-1955. Oxford 2009, S. 269-289.

Thacker, Andrew: Dora Marsden and The Egoist: "Our War Is With Words". In: English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920. Vol. 36.2 (1993), S. 179-196.



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